Peace Corps
Peace Corp - Jamaica

Richard Sitler served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Jamaica. He worked at the Lluidas Vale All Age School in the community of Lluidas Vale in St. Catherine Parish. Lluidas Vale is located in the center of the island on a high plateau which is filled with the sugar cane fields of the Worthy Park Estate. Lluidas Vale is a community of about 5,000 people. The photos that follow were taken during his training in Polly Ground, St. Catherine and also during his service in Lluidas Vale.
Richard COS's (Close of Service) on July 25. The following are lyrics to the Harry Belafonte song which the teachers at Lluidas Vale All Age School sang at a dinner in his honor.


Harry Belafonte

Down the bay where the nights are gay
And the sun shines daily on the mountain top
I took a trip on a sailing ship
And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop

But I'm sad to say I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town

Down the market you can hear
Ladies cry out while on their heads they bear
`Akey' rice, salt fish are nice
And the rum is fine any time of year

Sounds of laughter everywhere
And the dancing girls sway to and fro
I must declare my heart is there
Though I've been from Maine to Mexico

Lluidas Vale All Age School has very few resources and could use any donations of books, children's videos, soccer balls and other sporting equipment and etc. If you are interested in helping needy children please consider donating to the school. Contact Elgin Taylor, principal at Lluidas Vale All Age School, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica, WEST INDIES. (876) 903-6913. He can tell you the best way to ship items to the school. Contact Richard at if you have any questions.

The following links are bits of Jamaican culture Richard felt were worth sharing:



Review: "Stir It Up: The Music of Bob Marley" by Monty Alexander
Review: "Music is Life" - Beres Hammond
Lyrics: "Stop The Conflict"
Lyrics: "Gi Mi Peace"
Poem: "Jamaica"


Sonika Shand
Jamaican Proverbs
Tony "PaleFace" Hendricks - Comedian
Sugar Minott - singer, songwriter, musician and producer
Hot Calaloo - Caribbean and Jamaican news
Brixton Society Official Website
LLuidas Vale Development and Rehabilitation Foundation (Canadian Chapter)

Local Businesses

Old Tavern Coffee Estate
Blue Harbour
Barrett Adventures
Jakes Place in Treasure Beach
Lluidas Vale Development and Rehabilitation Foundation

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