Lluidas Vale All Age School grade two student, Cindy, enjoys a book donated to the school as part of a bookshare program coordinated by Martha Windisch.
A man waits for a tractor to come for a wagon loaded with just cut sugar cane in the fields of the Worthy Park Estate in Lluidas Vale, St. Catherine.
Herfa Kennedy washes her clothes by hand outside her house in Lluidas Vale, St. Catherine. Most Jamaicans do their wash by hand, and even those who own washing machines believe that the machines do not get their clothes as clean as if washed by hand.
Brothers Kiron, left, and Arundi show off their muscles outside my doorway in Lluidas Vale.
Grade six boys at Lluidas Vale All Age School work on mathematics. The boys are preparing for the GSAT test (Grade Six Achievement Test) that all Jamaican sixth graders must take. It decidesto which high schools they will be admitted. The test is taken the end of March.